Henry Anslinger built the war on drugs, the marijuana scare, to create a larger entity and gather power. It was calculated and it was worthy to be called a scam. There is plenty written about this, and the opinion in a scholarly community. Federal and state agencies are famous for this. You always grow your agency, you always ask for more funding. One reason is that your job will not be reduced, or eliminated, and you get more important, cuddos and power. "Look at the great job I'm doing," "nothing was done about this before,"" I'm doing a huge job." It is typical of the growth in government. Fear is often a driver. Profit for associated suppliers is a motive, as per the military industrial complex. It is one reason that people scream about big government, which plays into the hands of and is an opinion manipulated by wealthy interests, which wish to make profit out of privatization of government.
Legislators are not as good as the rest of us. Some better perhaps, but collectively, my opinion is that they are practical opportunistic liars in cahoots with pirates and thieves or the dupes there of. All politicians that I've been in contact with come across as nice people, and I'm sure many think of themselves as nice people by way of some justification, but in their position, it is hard to be like the rest of us. Yea, if they are not attorneys, then look out, because they could be one of the played idiots that are put their by special interests for saying teh correct thing.
Humm, it would seem that I don't have a high regard for my legislators...
...the ones who make the laws like these silly anti-nudity concoctions.