Well, this idea of a retirement m home for nudists is something to think about.
Many Americans are retiring in south of the border, Mexico where a buck goes further. There are enclaves of 10's of thousands. A new thing is retirement places and assisted living down south. There is not much over-site in Mexico, people can get into neglectful situations. A good dependable home is of great value, consequently.
As a business, the labor and food is less, so the charges are less. The facility and care can be just as good, or better, there. A nudist setup might just go over. Maybe closer to the border where relatives can pop across and visit. Tropical and nude might be a good option for a place of work. Maybe better than running a clothing optional place up here. There are numerous places popping up that are smaller here. A smaller facility might be affordable to set up, where prices and labor is less and less red tape. A steady renter, instead of waiting for tourist season. Maybe a dozen beds, a community, would have enough interest by such a special group to be populated?
People just can't afford to retire in the USA, like bygone days and that is certainly worsening, eroding a time goes on.
Jus' sayin',
But, how do ya keep 'em in depends. By age 80, 90% of guys have an enlarged prostrate and various complications. Perhaps just nude areas for sunning, etc., instead of naturist freerun of the whole place....
Do ya hang out with peers, or move in with the kids as a choice when affordability and nakedness is at issue.
AND by golly, THAT is how ya get off topic!