A friend of mine went to Cyprus a few years ago. There are nude beaches. I found stuff on Captain Barefoot. I was thinking of going with her to check the place out, so there had to be a clothing optional option. I found places on the south side and she had a gas on the northside.
I just looked at CAptain BArefoot and weekdays or certain seasons, you can get naked on most of the many beaches. Tourist season can make fewer options.
GO FOR IT! Find a secluded beach all to yourselves and the Mrs. has no good reasons to not join you to hold hands and stroll. Nobody, but you two and think of the potential.
As for the order of my blog posts, I had to hold off on publishing the part about northern Alabama, because there will be an article about it in the next "N" magazine and they require some excluvity. So, I'll put out my longer version of Parkland Retreat in northern Alabama after that, on my website.