He has a metal bar up his keester, several propping him up. I have pictures, but,probably get the picture.He was erected by a now defunct bank...Happy Bank. He is thin and a bit aerodynamic to withstand those prairie winds and tornadoes.
Giant road runner outside Las Cruces was like a B-movie. There will be more notable roadside attractions as the series progresses. The grand finale will be towards the end in the chili pepper capital of the world. The is a collection there. Several iconic figures, pop like an Andy Warhol gallery. Colonel Sanders, Bob's Big Boy, Yogi Bear, and more.
Here in Tucson there is one of the Tyrannosaurus Rex statues that are life-size in the front of McDonald's. During lock-down, it wore a huge mask across the teeth. In Colorado a miniature production of a dinosaur,(the really big one the size of a house) was for sale $1200! The originals were huge placed in front of some Sinclair gas stations.
It is advertising, or something to make a place memorable usually.