All of the above. Usually, I make notes on a piece of paper on a hike, during or after. The sooner the better. Then, as soon as I can, I break out Word and write a first rough draft, or transfer the notes.
On Word, I project myself into that moment. I prompt from the pictures. I prompt from the notes, I even pray for guidance before sitting down to write.
I have a good memory that needs prompting at times. It's sort of like my library. It is filled with non-fiction books with yellow highlighter marks. After years, I can go back, read the yellow and then it all floods back from the associations. Just have to open those old cobwebbed drawers. It's still in there and vivid.
Many things, I read and don't retain for very long, I suppose because I read so dang much, like what'd you have for dinner two nights ago. With yellow marks and/or notes, my memory is good for a awhile. The first 100 plus stories on the blog were rewrite improvements of my old Secret Naturist Society trip reports. I just project back.
I usually do several improving drafts, sleep on it, etc.
Then, I make a handwritten list of the best photos for the job, then insert them into my text appropriately. Last hour or two, I transfer the text and pics into the Wordpress format, read it again and then push the publish button. Usually, one of the trip reports takes at least 8 hours plus. I devote one long day each week each. It is worth it. Then, we take time for the next fun thing.
I had to produce from just pictures a couple of times. It was difficult. There are minute anecdotes, details that can be forgotten and lost without notes. The stories come out much richer from the notes that I scratch.
Best, is that we now have detailed memories with pics, a scrapbook deluxe, with so many of those small anecdotes that people usually forget. It is so much fun to go back and reread, with an, "Oh yea, remember that?!" DF gets a smile on her face, her eyes just stare, when her memory flashes on something forgotten.