Responses below:
50 people! Abbey house used to get hundreds on a sunny Sunday
How far away do they come to ramble at these events? 1-1.5 hours drive typically, I'd say, but possibly a majority within 20-30mins drive, I drove 1hr 10mins 54 miles to get there
How local are these folks. How often does he create these free roaming naturist opportunities? 2 or 3 per year I think. He's just a guy that is bold enough to negotiate with venues that he considers suitable. Next 2 events are a walk through sunflower fields and a Maize Maze.
They sound very fun. What other spots has he set up events. see above
I'd love to see someone doing such around here. We'd set up campouts and member parties, mostly pool parties back when the Southern Arizona Naturist Society (SANS), was functioning in the 1990's. Someone set up a museum group up near Phoenix. That sounds so free range. There's a group here that does clothed restaurant gatherings for newbies and to keep camaraderie in the group bond as well as non-landed nude events, called Buffateers. Similar activity going on in your locality too then
Appears like you you are networking. Well, one gets chatting to people at these events. Naturists are a friendly lot in general I find. One rarely hears about their journey to being naturist nor what else they do in the naturist context, though
To tune-in, turn-on and drop trouser, get that oneness with nature buzz, I close eyes, pay attention to my breath, then aware of the body, then everything, barefoot, watch all of the senses happening. Ah yes, I realise from your advice that I wasn't concentrating enough. That's a tip to adopt next time.
Some warm sun on skin sure helps. Sure does!
How do you usually attune, or do you just find yourself in a sense of natural self Yes, the latter. If I get the vibe I notice it happening rather than do anything to actively conjure it up . I'm better when I don't have to be concerned with being "caught" and there is less socializing going on around me. Absolutely yes. Solitude and peace create 'wavelength matching' with ones natural surroundings