Gosh jbee,
Your blog is coming on nicely. Could I suggest a small convenience for the reader: When you embed clickable, enlargable photos, that you always set them to open in a new tab (which you can set as a default for new pics). I was recently trained in wordpress by a developer and they rightly pointed out that opening in a new tab means you can hold the opened page/photo open or close it at will without having to keep reloading it for a second look or having constantly to press the back button on the same tab, to get the blog post back to continue reading and often having to re scroll down to where you left off reading.
Also, it made me ask why I don't get tired of looking at the AZ country! I guess it's no different from the Lake District or Yorkshire Dales, Scottish Highlands, Grand Canyon or Lake Powell & little rivers...one just never tires of looking at nature, especially if one is naked in it!