Sounds like a lot of anxiety, worries about something in the future, projecting oneself into a possibility and building a story about how one would feel there, when the fear, the anxiety, the feelings would never exist if the acts were actually carried out in real life. In other words, people tend to like their nudity, feel liberated and enjoy it, once they try, or do it. "Oh I couldn't do that," is silly crap in the way of reality. I'm old and ashamed isn't very healthy attitude. Old and proud, as I am. Old is beautiful and so is naked old and a spirit of youth will keep us alive and more alive. I'm sad when I see people age and then close down shop.
I have my issues with vanity, too. I've recently gained more weight that I like, think healthy, or realized. I don't accept this body as is. I'm doing something about it, getting back into the good things that I am laxing on. So, I actually felt some uncomfortablity getting naked at social function the other day. It is only me at this moment, at any moment and things change. I'm okay with the age stuff, the sagging of my boobs, the loss of that really cute butt, but unhealthy, that gets to my vanity. The more dignified look, the age is okay, but the slowing down, I can fix a lot of that, at least as much as I care to.
I can feel good about this body, and won't allow others to rob me of that and expect me to shut down parts of my life. It goes beyond conformity at some point, more like survival of my life spirit, my belief in myself, being put out to pasture, when that is my decision, not others expectations. My life and my blessings to appreciate, between me and the divine, not about any judgemental putz down the street. Old ain't ugly, its older and different and life. Old as human dignity, it's not a place for shame.
It is like "oh, you're too old for that long hair," get it styled like the other old women, or dye that beautiful salt and pepper, that silky white,or that fluffy grey into some kind of blonde, or something silly other. Fashion always taking advantage of people's insecurities, always making all of this false need for clothing. Making people feel uncomfortable in their own skin. F bomb! I feel a Robert De Niro coming on!