Yes, ditto, Bob. I've saved a fortune over twenty years on cuts and the time. No frustrations with a weird cut, no waiting for it to grow back out, nor self-consciousness wondering if others see me as unkempt. I have the same set of looks all of the time, free flowing, morning Einstein, tied back, tied up, hat ponytail, hat free flowing, a choice. It is manly and says freedom and individuality. I like the natural look, it is real, not a fashion, not imposed by silliness. All I do is run a comb through it and it self dries. I just tie it back to look neat and clean and responsible and dignified. Wore it like this as a professional through two careers. The tie is enough for the wind and the hat also works AND protects me from the sun. I can only say that it is a pain if someone opens the car window and it isn't tied, or with a hat. Of course with a short style, unless it is cut to gone, a convertible car is a problem, too. When you get a haircut, you end up with tanlines.
I is a gift, so I enjoy it.