…years of everyday use without too many problems
Perhaps the question should not be when and how did nudity become legal but when and how did it become illegal
Yes, it was during that period that US population went from something like 90% rural to urban. Industrial standards and monopolies applied pressure on people and expanded control into the rest (Bluetrain's guys on the hill). Here, population was expanding with a great influx of foreigners mixed into the pot. Chasing a buck was a life and death matter, producing conformity from above. There was a liaise fare chaos going on, so people looked for answers, rules and applied the norms that they knew to new laws.
The new industrialization created something which raised the bar for conformity and worker dehumanization and exploitation. All of these factors was a lot of steam, the pot was boiling over.
Social standing became a more intricate sophisticated game. With all of this, here comes Victoria's and Emily's social standards. These were something to grasp onto and exploit to out proper the next, to rise above with social competition. Look at the uptight clothing. People had to carry themselves and dress and act "proper", "respectable", to show "class". It was about social upwards mobility and getting ahead. Naked didn't meld into that.
What are now deemed as having been "progressive" movements to be blamed is incorrect, I believe. These movements were just results of an intricate, multifaceted, multi-directional society looking for a culture to cling to in the storm. The Progressive label is over simplification. It is being used as a scapegoat, a whipping boy by the opposition, the oligarchic wealth that participated in the grand scheme of things, just as much as the rest. These same influences still are happening, today.
There is a difference in the mix today. That is the think tank, owned and used to manipulate and astroturf control is nearly new, or should I say old ploys more sophisticated. They are quick to label and make their greedy agenda seem like a people's agenda, but when it ends up in congress, it is the same old influences trying to control and set human standards for monetary gain. Kill the voice of the union, control the schools to make workers not thinking, but ignorant citizens, make uniformity to control, make a buck. Think tanks get hundreds of millions to figure out ways to push agenda for profit. For example, schools are not for Social Studies and to make kids think for themselves, but to make workers these days. Who's idea was that? The answer is, who does that benefit? The laws in this state explicitly decree how each subject is to make kids think for themselves in the standards. This doesn't happen when it gets down to the kids in school. I've lost jobs teaching kids to think for themselves. Now, we have think tanks influencing state government to ban books, like "The People's History of the United States."
The point here is that if it makes a buck to squelch nudity, then there will be a squelch. If it makes a buck, or it helps to blow off steam, or is a distraction like a monty game, we’re safe. If it gets people in line and keeps people on top of the heap, if it is important enough, then we have anti-nudity laws and repression. Politicians like issues to get their base to rally behind. Wealth likes to use politicians and they will support them.
We broke down many of these barriers to personal freedom starting with a burst in the late sixties, evolving and continuing, but there has always been the push back from the social/economic/cultural structures set in the Golden Age. When I see fat cats, or as they are popularly called "billionaires" making the changes that they do now, when I see oligarchy and continued the fascist melding of government and wealth, I feel threatened. But, culture now seems out of their control, particularly with the internet’s diversity. I see a soft spot. I see something that I can do. I see something that doesn’t end up playing into the game, something that is not astroturf. I see something that will benefit humanity.