Now that you mention it,the definition community has changed. I remember it like that here, too.
So, with this change in definition, I think that naturist communities are out there just not so evident. For example, I have a group around the sweat community, over one hundred until it was fragmented. We'd get together and hang out nude, but we also had potlucks, parties, thanksgiving, individual sub-groups of friend that would take care when sick and grieve together. One of us died and had a heart attack a couple of weeks ago. The memorial was beautiful, because of the feeling community that showed up. We kept our clothes on, but had there been a water feature, or some reason, we'd have been in it naked, if we pleased.
There are many who don't go to naturist places, but have just a few friends and a backyard, or something. There are also, people with interest in something else that get naked unabashedly, for example, hiking and finding a skinnydip spot. I think all would define as community, interested in body freedom, backing it, but are not self defining as "naturists."
No there is are swinger communities, and kinky this and that communities. I'm concerned what they may do with this. The line gets blurred and confused with them. Their behavior could confuse the public and police. They dress provocatively and some will do that in public, which is "adult" entertainment.