Holy Cryminy! That nekkid pervert is sneaking up on that poor Boy Scout and gonna molest him fer sure!!!
So, I could see how dressing the guy in the fashion of the day would take something away from what Milles is going for in time, but what other significance, or reason would he have to portray the male adult as nude? Is he carrying clothing while on a hike, getting ready to jump in a swimming hole? Lady liberty isn't nude, too, to find their way through the woods for a late night skinny dip with that torch, the clothes would be too much to carry, too.
These are adult symbolism. I'm not sure what the male's symbolism is, if any. Any suggestions, or insight?
The scout oath, is written on a plaque on the base. Does the guy symbolize the ideals set in that oath?
"On my honor, I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight."
That's how I want to be seen when I'm nude. I'd like to walk down the street naked and people to look and say that about me and my character. Is Lady Liberty a Greek thing? She is a Roman Goddess thing. Would that guy be a symbol of the Greek ideal, which would fit as the oath, but also the ideals of any Greek at the local gymnasium, back in the day? What is that guy carrying? It would be a clue.
Could it mean that the scout's mom and dad are hippies, but in spite of that, he's okay?
Hippies are just disobedient scouts.
After all of this, I dug a little deeper and found this: "The statue itself consists of three figures (pictured at right). Each figure, a Boy Scout, man, and woman, symbolizes the idea of the great and noble forces that are an inspiring background for each Scout as he goes about the business of becoming a man and citizen. The male figure symbolizes physical, mental, and moral fitness, love of country, good citizenship, loyalty, honor, courage, and clean living. He carries a helmet, a symbol of masculine attire and a live oak branch, a symbol of peace and of strength. The female figure symbolizes enlightenment with the light of faith, love of God, high ideals, liberty, justice, freedom, democracy, and love of fellow man. She holds high the eternal flame of God's Holy Spirit. The figure of the Boy Scout represents the hopes of all past, present, and future scouts around the world and the hopes of every home, church, and school and that all that is great and noble in the nation's past and present will continue to live in scouts and through them for many generations to come.
A small pool in front of the memorial represents the honor of those children who joined the Boy Scouts of America." It was at:
https://www.nps.gov/whho/learn/historyculture/boy-scout-memorial.htmNow, I'm pleased to find what my bare butt symbolizes. I'd wear it proudly, but it is against the law!?!
There was a post on my Facebook account last week that I was going to copy and paste here, but it got lost in the Facebook shuffle. It was four statues of four women who might have been. They didn't grow up to be women. They were killed in youth. These were to commemorate the sadness of an event resulting in lost young lives because of tragic death. The statues were, all four, nude. Pretty cool, I thought.