Disaster Plans: From The Secret Naturist Handbook
During the planning stage of your outing, a wise secret naturist needs to consider what they would do in the event of something serious happening, such as getting lost, the theft of your vehicle or being reported to the authorities. If you at least consider some of these possibilities, however remote they may seem, you will be less inclined to panic when it does actually happen and will be able to rationally plan what to do next.
Getting Lost:
For whatever reason, you start to realise that you are lost. What do you do? Firstly, don't panic, stay calm, sit down and think. Perhaps the first thing you can do is to back-track. Try heading in what you think might be the general direction you came from, looking for recognisable landmarks and your own footprints. Next head downhill and into valleys where there will usually be a stream which can be followed to a river and where there are rivers there is usually habitation. If night is falling and you do not have a torch, you might also want to consider looking for shelter to spend the night and start again when light returns. Another useful tip when lost is to follow manmade constructions such as pylons, fence lines, walls and tracks. These will often, eventually, lead to habitation.
Vehicle Theft:
It can be a heart stopping moment to return to the car park to find your trusty vehicle missing. Again, don't panic, stay calm, sit down and think. If you have clothing fine and assuming the distance is manageable, you can start walking home, hitching for a lift as you do so. If your only set of clothing was inside the vehicle, you have a more serious problem. Another option is to head for the nearest house or farm and ask to borrow the phone to call relatives or a taxi. Even if you are without clothing, this might be the best option, just explain your circumstances, i.e. you are a secret naturist and that your clothing and vehicle has been stolen. When approaching the dwelling make sure you are seen, so as not to alarm the person who answers the door. If possible, look for some means of covering up such as a polythene carrier bag, so at least you will appear less alarming.
Reported To The Authorities:
Another situation that could be considered as a disaster is when you have been seen and hear those dreaded words, "I'm going to report you to the Police!"
Again, while this might seem really serious, it might not actually be more than a threat. Think about the circumstances and ask yourself a few questions such as, do they actually know your identity? If they do, you might expect a knock on the door from the authorities. If seen by a stranger, all they can do is report a general description and as people are generally inaccurate in such matters, this might not be a problem. However, if you have been linked to a vehicle registration number, things are more serious and you might again expect a visit from the authorities. Should either of these happen, you would need to consider how to respond. Deny or own up and explain you are a secret naturist. The choice is up to you, although I would recommend the latter.