I see your dilemma, JBee, and share your confusion. All of us in the “naturist community” (if there is such a thing) want to dissociate sex from nudity, not because we’re anti sex but because the two things are not the same, any more than car engines and sex are the same. We try to convince others that naturism is A Good Thing, it’s safe for women in the #metoo age, it’s safe for children in a sexting, internet-porn fuelled paedophile-fearing world.
But because those whose minds we are trying to educate still lump us in with NSFW items because the snowflakes might get upset, lo and behold it gets us more followers!
Except does it? Because it’s NSFW and therefore potentially porn, in all likelihood those who don’t find what they want will just give up and go away or, worse, leave disparaging remarks about imperfect bodies and wierdos who want to flaunt themselves.
I appreciate the extra site traffic is gratifying, JBee, but that’s only part of the story. Do your site stats offer any deeper insight what visitors do, such as time spent on site, additional pages explored, etc, which might help your deliberations?