I can see that our nude selves are natural for us, clothes are not, but entirely cultural. There are places in the world where people live without there being clothing, and there are no problematic issues there because of it. Taboos we know of with nudity are learned, not universally but in the cultures where we are, and our societies are not better off having these taboos, even where clothes may be of really important use. I was seeing it where first experiencing being on a nude beach, where someone brought me without me knowing that was what this was, where certainly everyone there were acting in normal ways anyone might at a beach besides being nude. I had already read of there being such places and nudist clubs, and other things that did not make it such a surprise, and I was not at all really against it already, and willingly considered it more. It came about that I started being nude at home more generally, and eventually I acknowledged to myself I was nudist once I heard myself called that. And after that I was seeking out where I would be nude with others who were freely nude. I grew to understand how Natura it really is for us, being against it really isn't, and doesn't help anything.