Our Republican Arizona governor lifted restrictions too soon twice for political reasons, and nothing to do with any of the science that I diligently looked for. People died, just as predicted by the science. Lots of people died, we had the nation's largest numbers, spiked at those times. The same happened in many other Republican controlled states, even Florida at one time.
When business interests push, Republican politicians lay down, roll on their backs and beg obediently.
On the other hand, some Democratic lead areas have grandstanded. Yup, let's be fair about this. Politicians mostly do things to stay in power. He who spends the most gets elected over 95% of the time.
Sanford, Arizona ignored the mask thing, for months and months. People were laughing at the rest of us. I wore a mask into a couple of businesses and they smirked. They had no problems, they were open for business. Then, the covid came to the semi-isolated town and they were suddenly listed as number one in the country. For years, they had billboards coming into town advertising funeral homes, a competition thing. We drove through a month or so ago and those were gone...for some reason, go figure.
This has been a very serious emergency. It would have been worse, incredibly, if the government hadn't stepped up and stopped people from infecting other people. That is why it hasn't been millions instead of more than all the American deaths in all the wars of the last 100 years. It cost a lot serious inconvenience and flat out trouble to confront the problem and keep it at bay.
People, like me, are still having effects from exposure, and more hidden issues may be happening already. I wear glasses because of measles as a child. There is evidence that complications are showing up for the longer term. Things like that can happen. The same old story, we don't know yet.
Have you ever talked to a health worker that endured a hotspot hospital?
This shouldn't be played down. True, government that governs the least governs the best, BUT that isn't an absolute in practicality. Government intervention isn't always a bad thing. We are not free to go out and indiscriminately, selfishly risk our brother's and sister's lives. Naked bodies are not harming anyone, period. Simple nudity shouldn't compare to pandemic, death and suffering. That's bad PR and pretty much bad logic, to my thinking.