Whadda Flocc?!?!
Looked the gibberish up in Websters, but it wasn’t there! Other online dictionaries, however, did have mention. I studied it and having difficulty even pronouncing it, gave up. I was out of breath at that point, anyway.
Epistemophilia is a fault. So, in this probable antepenultimate, it might be said that such knowledge is an agathokakological piece of entertainment, which is okay with me.
That being said, I must disclose that I plucked this response out of a Webster’s list of long words that I came across while searching out floccinaucinihilipilification. I am not the talented wordsmith that we know Nuduke to be and would be a fool to duel, or compete in such territory. If my life depended on completing a crossword puzzle, I would choose Nuduke to be at my side.
In my life, I have found that many figure, or have the habit of hiding lack of vocabulary, by gathering the idea expressed, or definition by what is around the obscure, or the forgotten words, rather than admit ignorance, or choose to take the redirection of conversation off topic.
I am pretty good at writing really long sentences…Can't speak long. Tend to forget what I was saying before they end.