Nuduke, I just remember "without a net.
Freehiker dave: "...While I get away with living an extremely naked life..." What is an extremely naked life? After I get naked, there ain't much more, but the shoes. Is it in odd places, or most of the time nude?
Yea, staying nude during encounters with others after getting away from trailheads comes much easier for me now. However, I do generally take a sarong on my shoulder, in case I'm out long enough to sunburn my shoulders, get tanlines from water bottle and camera straps, or use as a chair. I will wrap up enough to cover genitals as per legal, but let them know that we are being nude when people have children. They are the most likely to complain, simmer without asking questions, etc. They're protective and can flare up in their ignorance. I'm just not out there to get into hassles.
I've been taking a loose poll for years now. In your experience bumping into people out hiking, how many problems have you received apposed to no problems when encountering others? What percentages have you perceived, not bothered, bothered, said something negative, etc. And one more question. How many encounters do you more or less had?