To be nude boldly is liberating, it is our natural behavior and our right. Things can't change unless people think about change and experience its effects. Naturists need to be out of the closet. Nudity has to be a healthy wholesome option a piece of us and not something that defines us, particularly as someone apart from the rest. It hurts no one.
I may not have many options or ability to change much of this world for the better, but I can change many opinions about naked and move society toward its acceptance. I can also have fun doing just that, by liberating myself. Being seen, just to make it known that nude living is being done, liberates me. Being known to be a naturist, being seen by thousands, has liberated us. We have nothing to hide anymore and as so, nothing to loose, we are free, uninhibited by the conventional fears and now more natural, which is always healthy.
Yep, we'll keep it up. It feels good, it is good, it is an opportunity to do something to help someone else.