These more permanent decorations are not my taste. I couldn’t feel naked or natural. Clothing is such a silly impractical thing to wear where I live, most of the time. When I do have to dress, it is less abhorrent to me to enjoy it as decoration and play, but these decorations are temporary. For example, sometimes they adjust the being into a more festive mood.
Everything in the Universe is static, it is said. So, attempting to change that, is to me, unhealthy and messes with my philosophical experiments. I also, just enjoy the ability to change and flexibility.
When I was involved with a non-landed club, back in the 90’s, there used to attend, a guy with penis adornments. We all liked him. I remember, that I used to wonder at the why of his decoration. Why didn’t he take them off to be naked? Was he wanting to draw attention to his genitals, advertise some bondage lifestyle for his sexual purposes? He never seemed to have a girlfriend. I suspected that he might scare many away with overt sexual décor. I thought that he might be spending too much time alone, sexually. I wondered if he was hung up with being alone, and disassociated with a full being sexual context with a partner. But, that was his business and I didn’t find that our commonality had to do with his genitals. I enjoyed his other attributes.
When free range and encountering someone, the less sexuality displayed, the less alarm to them. Lord knows that many are already over-sexualizing the encounter, anyway. I’ve spoken to Canadians alarmed when they see a hiker with a gun strapped on. I suppose that people need to encounter and see things to develop normalcy.
Now, you tell me of these leather gizmos around the genitals. Doesn’t leather shrink when it is wet?!
Just a curious question, Bob. I notice how jewelry gets hot. It has to be taken off in a sweat-lodge or one soon feels a branding process. Is there a potential for this being a problem with these piercings?