I bought a copy of Naked at Lunch a couple of weeks ago. I haven’t had time, but to glance at it, but DF was laughing all afternoon and reading me quotes. I’d bet that I will recommend it, she does. There were a couple of points that I’d take issue with, so far, but he comes up with some very original fun stuff.
I remember DF and a went to the TNS western gathering a few years back. It was one of her first social nudity experiences as I remember. She put herself into the group photo for the event. By coincidence, the photo was on the cover of “N” magazine later that year.
I called her up and left a message singing the song by Dr. Hook, “On the Cover of the Rolling Stone” (see youtube). When she called back, when I told her that she was on the cover naked, the silence sounded like she had had a heart attack. Her imagination went wild. I teased her, and held back just what photo it was (we had signed releases). She was just a small person in a large group on the cover, and was towel wrapped and head turned on a page inside, during a class, no biggy, not really standing out, but we still laugh whenever that song comes up.
The distribution is only something like 30,000 naturists worldwide. I’ve had my proper name attached to a couple of articles that I wrote in it, so not so very famously.
Others among us have published in that magazine.