Quite the alliteration! Would you think that she is wanting to put an abrupt end to your "antics" but feels a hint of powerlessness in a loosing battle? That drawing that line to end at the new house, when you two move, is merely a spontaneous threat as she experiences her anger? The new home is a symbol of a perfect ending, a place of peace? It is surely irrational to suppose that you would change, or wouldn't continue to evolve at a new house, as if life stops.
Before a move, my mother once attempted to dictate to me that there would be "new rules" at the new place. She then saw that my enthusiasm for the move disappeared, I was loosing my old entrenched happy old place, She never spoke of the new rules again. She knew that I had to adjust for my happiness. It might have been her new beginning, but I had to own my own idea of new beginning and perspective that would be my happiness... Just sayin'...Perhaps that would be useful...expression of diminished enthusiasm as your dreams are not being included. It is not dishonest or gamey, to bring naturism to the fore of your personal reasons to move.
I could feel your enthusiasm in your previous writing about room to stretch and privacy as a MAJOR interest in the move. She, at the time, was on to that, too. I'm sure that you agree each needs his or her individual place and interests, as well as common.