I've got the wall up and the temps have been good often, so, no need for clothing, except night. Not much socializing, because of covid. Maintaining a good tan.
We didn't do a single nude adventure in November, just home projects. Thanksgiving was messed up for covid, etc., but DF and I had a wonderful nude Thanksgiving feast to celebrate refurbished kitchen table and son's wedding announcement. I was feeling a bit uptight with the attempted coup, an outing would have been good for me.
Got to the hotsprings and did a formal spiritual sweat lodge last weekend. Began the recon of the Tucson Mountains yesterday, a close playground that needs to be liberated. It was beautiful, warm and we managed to do some preliminary liberation. We'll see how it goes for the holidays and end of the year. I might do a solo, or two if weather perks up again after the RAIN!!!!
Tonight and tomorrow, RAIN!!! First since I don't recall when, sometime before covid. 90% chance of rain. It is supposed to just sit on us!