Some folks have been wondering how to post pictures here without stealing all of Stuart and Karla’s storage space and bandwidth.
I keep pictures for publication on
Flickr and post links to them there. Here is my step by step guide to posting clickable images from Flickr in a forum post without opening up my entire photostream.
I upload most of my images to Flickr with the properties set as visible only to me and restricted. This avoids any issues with Flickr’s terms of service. They don’t seem to have much of a problem with "edgy" images judging by some of the things I have stumbled across, but my settings allow me to be sure I’m not pushing my luck and prevent people looking at the rest of my photostream.
To insert the picture into a post you need to use image tags like this:
[img]Address of picture[/img]
To get the address you need for the code, follow these steps:
Once you have uploaded your picture to Flickr find it in your photostream and click on it. Your screen will look something like this:
Click on the download symbol (circled in red in the image above) and a dialogue box will open thus:
Select “View all sizes”.
Select the size of image you want to display and then right click on the image, this will open the submenu pictured. Select “Copy image url”.
Paste the url into the code I provided above to replace “Address of picture” and check that no spaces have been inserted just after the first IMG tag or just before the second one. This is important as spaces here will prevent the code working.
Your code should look like this:
If you preview your post it will look like this:
This image is not clickable (hover your mouse over the picture and the pointer does not change). If you want to insert a small image that can be clicked to provide a larger view you will need to use this code:
[url=Address of large picture][img]Address of small picture[/img][/url]
For the small picture I usually use an image that is big enough to see, say 500 pixels wide, rather than a thumbnail as I find having to open every picture a chore.
Use the above steps twice to find the two addresses you require and past them in place of “Address of large picture” and “Address of small picture”. (Again you need to be aware of any spurious spaces inserted by the software). Your code will look something like this:
And when you preview your post it will look like this:
Note that the pointer shape now changes when you move it onto the image, indicating that you have a clickable link.
Hope that helps, but if not I’m sure you will ask…
Have fun,
PS The above was written for Flickr because that is what I use. However, a similar approach should work with other photo sharing sites.
PPS Note to Stuart and Karla, there is no "How to" FAQ or "Technical support" section on the board so I have posted this here. If there is a better place, please feel free to move the post.