Merriam Webster defines,
feral: adjective
1: of, relating to, or suggestive of a wild beast, feral teeth, feral instincts
2 a : not domesticated or cultivated, wild feral animals
b : having escaped from domestication and become wild, feral cats
This person doesn’t know the meaning of the word. Seeing a naked wanderer doesn’t mean feral. An observation beyond spotting someone at a distance would be in order.
Plus, as Jbee suggests, watching their footsteps makes sense considering the landscape in the photo, pretty rocky. I’ve walked on rocky terrain so I can understand their posture. This is one of my reasons for my screen name, “eyesup”. I once bonked into a limb of a tree because I was watching my feet and not what was in front of me.
He’s afraid of a man in the distance that is displaying no aggressive posture that I can see. If he’s so timid maybe he shouldn’t be out in the wide world all alone.