Water is essential to flush out toxins, and give the body something to work with. It is a part of every system and something like 75% or 90 something % of the body. Water just has to throw things off if in short supply. Since we are products of a salt water ancestry, it follows that our balance of salt water is essential, too. So, we go out into a heated area, where we will sweat out toxins and also naturally be cooling the body in response. The body gets out of balance and stressed, without the water.
I get dizzy without water in the heat, and I then know what is wrong. Time after time something tells me to drink something. The body gives out warnings, tells us inately that we need to drink, if we allow that and listen. The intellect just needs to figure out how to keep and adequate supply of water for the body. It varies how much water is being used, how hot, how humid, how much exertion and how shaded or nude that the body is. It is all very good, until there is a shortage of water.
When I fast, all I need is water. It is a blessing. It is me, I am nothing without it. It stores memory and senses, collects nutrients, discards waste, all in an automatic system. It provides everything. It is right up there with sunlight. The sun has been treated like a god, as god, and water, too.
When my water is half gone, I head back to water. All of my trips are planned around water. How to lug it, how much to take, how long I'll be gone, where it is along the way, concern with the purity and filtering, and keeping enough around for food.
Then, I see these people taking off with just a dab, or no water. I just can't fathom it!