I left my yard natural desert. It is alive, an ecosystem and the most biodiverse in the state. It is trouble free, only requiring trail maintenance. I watch the seasons change, the vegetation changing year to year, the reaction of fauna and flora to changes in weather year to year, Travelers come by from time to time as it links the wild to the wild, bobcat, weird insects, amazing wildlife. Gila Monsters stopped by last week paired in mating season, AND all of this is there to observe, to know and learn from. My neighbor has a tidy dirt lot, that is dying more and more as the soil degenerates.
It is a fine thing to walk barefoot, to lie nude, to roll on a finely crafted lawn, but the area doesn't need to be very big, or very wide. Just a patch, or just a trail of manicured work. A big area needs mowed, trimmed, and fertilized, supplementary watering, lots of effort. As a teenager I made income creating and managing lawns in Michigan. Every Saturday morning I was walking around in a design pushing a lawn mower. Some people like such projects and enjoy the work. As Nuduke and I realize, a golf course has its appeal.