DAng! I was watching an agile little chipmunk (a kind of desert squirrel that looks like a chipmunk, actually) balancing on a paloverde branch, swinging from its movements on the small green branches, chowing away at the new bean pods. When I switched to that Youtube video, the volume was up, blasted and then it ran away. It sounds like a horror movie soundtrack, bigfoot's a commin'. Maybe "REVENGE OF TEH CICADAS"!
We have 7 year chicadas that are just loud and irritating. I have been on streets barefoot in the evening and not been able to avoid stepping on them, they are so thick. They can be like a carpet, especially under street lights. They like the monsoon season. We are in drought today, but there is one chicada outside of my window at all times. They usurp sleeping outside nude, or leaving a window open sometimes.
Eyesup, those walls of timber get me to feeling claustrophobic, too, after years in the desert. I remember coming back from a couple weeks touring back east in 1986. When we hit the wide open spaces of New Mexico, looking out across a wide empty green valley, there was a very noticeable relief and sense of freedom and home. My second ex-wife discarded her clothing and put half of her body out of the window as we cruised down the interstate. Elbow room!
I can loose my sense of direction in places back east, the sun gets obscured, stuff in the way to see landmarks, clouds, bendy roads, etc.
Our Colorado River Toads and a multitudes of various bugs show up during monsoon. It is an extra spring. The time of monsoon is nearing us now.
DAng! Ouch! A woodpecker just flew full diving speed into the window and knocked itself out after twisting around in death spasms.
Now, it is upright and off of its back, a pal is comforting it after spreading alarm. Now, it is just sitting there. Time will tell. Usually it is the stupid turtle doves that do that. They sometimes get back up and do it again, and again sometimes, often ending up dead.