I share your concerns, but practically, winning an extremely narrow and suspect election and then implementing unpopular policy doesn't mean that people will just resolve to let it happen and be ruled as such. As you say Nudewalker, when" the streams turn yellow."
The histories of the coming cabinet and VP are of people who will do everything to meet their goals, in spite of what others, including major majorities support. They are also heavily backed by corporate interests, which are run by ruthless people. In several cases, they are the corporate interest running the government. The ideological plan is trickle down and making a buck is the ultimate value. Some of these people have never been out of the city to be in truly in nature. A pristine forest is merely dirt, real-estate, to exploit to make the economy grow and make short-term jobs. The larger profits will stay at the top as history has shown for centuries and particularly documented in the last 20 years. Our national treasures maybe devastated, not unlike Europe's condition after the industrial revolution and a couple of world wars. Only very remote areas have not been affected significantly, there. The treasures where I live are already also effected, but there has been mitigation among differing parties, and being a vast region has helped.
There are two things that I hope for. One hope lies in the time frame. It will take a few years and then more for them to truly exploit the drilling and mining "rights", which are not "rights" at all, but giveaways. Two, there is significant majority resistance to corporate government and exploitation of these treasures. The government doesn't yet have absolute power, and only a minority trust it anymore. There will be knock down of environmental protections, Bush did that each day of his first 100 days, but it will take time to implement the actual destruction of our naturist playgrounds. I see sections of this wonderful ironwood ecosystem bladed over wholesale everyday. You can't begin to guess how that makes me feel.
Another factor, is amazing to me. I have never seen this. At first it was unbelievable to me. First there was this paler on so many people. Outright depression, fears of what may come overwhelming them. For some others, there has been hope that it wouldn't be so bad. "It" being not just environmental concerns, but civil rights and the democratic processes. Then, as weeks went by and cabinet picks began to show the true radical nature of the future administration, they realized that it ain't just Bush to endure again, but something perceived as a severe threat. I began to read on social media about people my age, in their 60's, pledging to take to the streets to protect their values and their democracy. In private, I have heard even more radical stances. I haven't seen this in 40 or 50 years, during the upheaval of my coming of age. Then, there is a significant polling among youth, under 30, who are outraged.
As we learned in the late 60's, there is a tendency for escalating reciprocal reactions. This is what is happening. For example, two days after the election the state and local authorities felt emboldened to up the ante against the Water Protectors at Standing Rock. Just wait until water cannons and flash grenades are unleashed in freezing weather on middle class baby-boomers. Although the revolution will not be televised on corporate media, unless something goes 14 million viral first, the word and support is getting out and exploding. So, with civil unrest, there may be action to quell the pitchforks coming at them. There will of course be reciprocation again, but this has always brought more radical movement. Back and forth, it may very well curb the right-wing government now in power, if they want to stay there. Otherwise, they will have to move, as they have been, to totalitarian actions. I remember the 60's, how it happened and everything is in place, only to a greater extent and this time the older patriots, retiring with time on their hands are in the mix. The environment and civil rights are making flashpoints and the election reflected that.
So, here we sit, naked, wondering if we will have places to know naturism anymore and worried about the wish of one religion to impose it upon us, like an American Taliban. It won't happen quickly, just Trump's crony meld of power to the ruling class (don't get me wrong, I recognize that there are good intentions among them) can be more immediate, and in court, corporations who own the courts, will fight as if they are valid contracts to keep them enforced into the future. They can be overturned just as quickly, in a volatile atmosphere. The pendulum is way out there, some of its influence may be for the best, among us here we have Trump supporters and idealist. There is merit to some of it, they may be proven wrong, or correct. But, unrest will curb its swing and hopefully balance will result.
There are other unforeseen mitigating possibilities that may bring things to a head. Like the possibility of amazing climate driven crisis. From what I have read, the rest of the world is opposed to the new administration and fears it. The old USA global influence and dominance is coming apart at the seams. There will be growing resistance both in and out of the country. As the pendulum swings, there is hope that naturism, religious freedom, God's bounty itself, less intrusive government surveillance, peace and prosperity for all, may occur. Those values unite all of us against greed, lies and power for the few.
So, I'm going to enjoy what I have, set up and organize resistance to the taking of those naturist values. I'll post about it here. My political opinions, I'll keep to myself. We have agreed to not discuss politics unless it is directly naturism, here. My naturism is still a major way to let off the steam from what will be another's obsession, as things escalate. I have learned the basic nature of living. Outside of this website, politically, I'll be busy like I haven't been for years. It will be nasty fun.