I was there to admire, encourage and support his store. We had discussed nude shopping on the way there, but had to get a feel for the situation, which was flatly not possible, with Quartzite Town Council politics. It was out of the way for us, but worth that, not to mention I love books.
I shopped nude in the store in Club Orient, St. Martin in 1985. At De Anza there is a very small store which is more of a kiosk, a restaurant and the bar in the clubhouse. I always enjoy the liberating feeling, and the sometimes, "Something feels amiss" sense in public nudity and everyday activities. Showing up and checking in at a resort is always a fresh experience nude. One day, I'd like to visit a large place like Cap D'age and shop and bank and experience a sense of something similar to a more perfect world order. I remember when we had SANS house parties, it was strange to find myself walking around someone else's house naked. Others would make the same comment. Barefoot is like that but less the striking experience. So, I guess that is one thing good and really fun thing to be said about life on the nudist reservations.
It is a bit irrational and fearful of the authorities to relieve the proprietor to the bare minimum of state law, but threaten a hassle for one of his customers for the same behavior. One guy is okay, but two is out of hand...One is an eccentric, but two is a movement? DF and I would have been so on to it if the opportunity was available. As I remember the police stopped by the parking lot, but that may be a good thing, all and all.