I was at a friends who had some kind of CSPAN live coverage on. It was a table packed with representatives for the American Heritage Foundation having a one sided discussion about internet. In addition to their usual newspeak twisting around backwards, the verbiage of net neutrality, as if no regulation means regulation, a prudish pig was going on about censorship. Their language prepares us for the concept that people have a right to not have to see "embarrassing images." Whatever that means, simple nudity, or porn, it assumes that embarrassment is a normal legitimate call to make about human bodies and their functions. They are saying that it is normal to be embarrassed seeing others anything, but fully clothed.
This is one of the institutions that have been set up and funded by the Koch brothers, and their conservative associates to change public and political thinking. It is there with CATO, The Federalist Society, and American Enterprise Institute. There is always a hidden bottom-line that benefits super wealth and corporate structures who fund them and hurts people and their rights. The funding has been very effectively buying government, changing educational goals and policy, buying state governments.
Now, with this commonality, I have to ask what is the buck in this. Why attack us. The lack of net neutrality is the buck to be gained. The excuse is protecting people from seeing "embarrassing images," etc. So, nudity and free expression is a pawn in the game for more profits at everyone else's expense.
Anyway, its here in the USA. The oligarchic pigs on top are now attacking nudity and body freedoms.
We are not to have political discussion here, unless it has to do with nudity. We need to stay away from all of the other issues that these think-tanks have come up with. Just stick to body rights and freedoms.