There are always several parties involved with public lands management and conservation measures.. I too, from my experience, know that these people cannot be categorized by right and left. Conservative meant conservation from the get go. I member working on a board which was two dems, two Republicans, two libertarians and a couple of leftists. They were representing the diversity of an entire town. We were all united to protect our local desert. All with environmental values that weighed a love of the natural place and our lifestyle over making a quick buck.
We worked with County, State and Federal government as well as "The Center for Biological Diversity" who you would label leftist.
We have talked labels before. This perspective of "leftist" is such a label that narrows clear thinking, attempts to fracture the players/the people and over simplifies. Over and over, when participating, I've found over years that environmental concerns of a majority of users and stake holders will try to be usurped by corporate and wealthy liars and pigs tactics. Divide and conquer, particularly label, demonize and falsify. If you look at this"leftist" idea, it will likely stem back to a corporate entity, a think tank filled with hired guns to profit a few. The Forest Service effectiveness is being destroyed by these tactics. Budget cuts to cut the legs off of public participation are disguised as "end big inefficient government" to corral libertarians in separate pens. Free markets work better that government ideas which are just not true, and endlessly proven throughout history. This new religion has been pushed by a few thinktanks that have grown to tremendous power since the early days of John Birch, by hundreds of millions of dollars and funding of fake science, buying off of universities, a constant push. They take a little truth about government and turn it into a broad false ideology through demonetization and then they create astro turf rallying when people get frustrated. The environmental extremist in the overall group are separated by being given labels like "leftists" "communists" "socialists" (which gets into another oligarchical strategy). The science is even demonized.
Whether you agree in total or in part with me, take home that most of us ALL, who know the outdoors, love it. There are huge forces that are dividing us for a buck. They don't like that there are places left wild and natural, places that support the ranching industry, places that recreate for hikers, bikers, motorized tourist and all of the various users. They don't want Conservationism, preserving earth, the mother, for children's children, the spirituality that is our birthright. They just want it all to make the all mighty buck, a quick buck. You and I are on the same side, Bob. We have the same mother.