Back in 1980, I saw a couple of "scientist" on a talk show that had researched and experimented on themselves, taking mega doses of vitamins. They demonstrated how their skin had tightened up and they, previously a pair of skinny nerds, looked like athletes, without exercising. I bought their 860 page book, "Life Extension: A scientific Approach" read it and spent lots of money on vitamins for a time. Literally handfuls, they would dwarf my meals. Within a short time, I got tired of that and also smelling like somekinda weird. I got stuck with a pile of bottles of pills, wasted.
They had complications. He died early, something about disease caused by toxicity, of mineral, or something. It pretty much killed them, as I remember.
I have at times, begun multi-vitamins and felt a distinct difference for a time. I know by that, that those can optimize health to some degree. I do them every few days, give or take.
DF reported that her mother, then like 98, had begun taking collagen and shortly had gotten so she could climb the stairs again to her bedroom. Just on that (and I did read some hype), I tried a quality bucket of it for a month, until it ran out. I felt better, all that was promised. So it goes into my smoothie. A body doesn't produce as much with age.
The vitamin D is produced by the body, so I began giving it what it uses for that and getting plenty of sun. My deficit went away. The yearly test has been good every since. It is part of a standard testing, especially after the "crisis epidemic of low Vit D
I'm very surprised that Nudukes Doc refused to test. Low D is on going if not treated, important and quite the med-fad.
B-12 needs to be soluble. I get these little red pills that dissolve under my tongue. Doctors orders. It is mostly not absorbed other ways.
There is controversy about calcium pills not absorbing. The best source of it is in many veggies, green leafy, cruciferous and others. Nuduke, do what your mum says, "Eat your veggies!" There is quite a lot of calcium absorption info out there.
I try to keep my doses close to the studies that produced the results, but cut the stuff out sometimes.
Long term study of people in Blue Zones out of Loma Linda found dramatic statistical facts about diet and longevity and quality of that. Meat eaters didn't live as long, pescaderians after that, vegetarians live significantly longer and figgin' vegans did by far the best! Ain't that a bitch to hear?
What you eat, the quality of it, exercise and aging characteristics are factors, but there are a few supplements that could be used as a boost to optimize health and longevity.
I studied (highlighting and the works) "100 is the New 30: How Playing the Symphony of Longevity will enable us to live Young for a lifetime." Jeffery Gladden, MD, FACC. All of the stuff that I had accumulated and had stored in a messy computer and notebooks seemed to be in his book and sorted out. Great cutting edge stuff. He's pretty radical in his own self care and more of an A type personality than myself, but it is a great smorgasbord for information to make decisions. Basically, eat a whole food plant based diet, as much variety as you can find, sauna, intermittent fasting and "keep movin'" (As DF's 101 year old mom used to say). Then, he suggests many many ways to improve on that.
He mentions naked sunshine in nature, but doesn't go so far as I do.