Grandpa taking me to work was a very cool thing growing up.
I spent time there while my folks got a respite from parenting. They were Kansans and had mid-western values, puritanical, hard working, dog eat dog, etc. They were very upright and uptight, formal in their social presentations, as was more prevalent then, than now. BUT, nudity was a matter of practical fact.
One day, Grandma instructed grandpa to take me down to the basement shower and instruct me on how to shower instead of bathtub it. I sometimes slept with them, when little. We would all wear pajamas, but dressing for bed and bathing were out in the open with family. Grandma had two breast removed and explained to me, when I saw her changing dress. There was no shame, over consciousness, just a family matter, so okay.
I suspect that that rural and mid-western attitude is how Kansas has no nudity laws.