Hi Jbee.
I looked up SNS site on Whois. The registered host for SNS was a server called "host.org." That server doesn't seem to exist any more. The registered owners of "host.org" are disguised by another blind site.
SNS was run by a guy who called himself "lookee" or "LookeeMe." He also had a site called "Lookee.org. Its gone too.
There was another site called streaking.org, which i thought was run by the same person and is still there. It has a front page message from someone calling himself Jonathan Byrd.
Streaking.org also has a yahoo group, oldest post 2 years ago. There is a link to a Tumbler group,
http://streaking.tumblr.com/. Oldest photo a year ago.
Maybe Mr. LookeeMe moved to Tumbler and discontinued support for his old web sites. Would have been nice if he told people. Maybe he got arrested for streaking, or maybe just lost interest for whatever reason. He hasn't been active on his forum for years.
I'm thinking that the SNS members could move here. This is a good forum too.