I don't feel it's unreasonable to make sure that as an ad hoc group of people, each self responsible, that the organisers don't take on any responsibility for what happens on walks. Would you say the organisers have a duty of care to the participants? I think if they were profiting from the membership and walks by charging fees, they possibly should assume this responsibility - like a tour company would. But as an informal membership-of-equals organisation, surely they should be indemnified from such responsibility? A 'clause' like this makes it possible to clarify to each participant that there is no come-back on the organisers.
Coincidentally I've just been dealing with the concept of whether the members and committee of a membership organisation are liable for the actions of the organisation and its members and, sadly for the Naturist Ramblers, the law indicates they probably are. In the case I've been involved in, forming a CIC or an company limited by guarantee limits liability of individual directors and members to their share value (£1) usually.
I've had enough to do with lawyers over the years to be pretty sure that that if an accident or something happens on a walk, and a walker wants to pursue another of the party for damages of some sort, then there will exist a lawyer who will be willing to 'have a go' and if that happens it will result in horrible, costly litigation, likely to be even more damaging than the original hurt!
I too am out of region for this group but I wish them every success in having extended nude walks. Am I to understand that the SOC still exists? Was there a reason why the new group broke away? No politics or differences of opinion I hope.