Author Topic: Naked Hiking Day  (Read 15453 times)


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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #45 on: June 17, 2017, 05:46:51 PM »
The forecast for this area is holding at 115 for next Tuesday and Wednesday.

I mentioned to my wife that I might go out at 4:30 am on Tues. and she wasn't enthusiastic at all.



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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2017, 03:46:28 AM »
At 6:00 am this morning it was 85º.  95º at 7:00 am and 100º at 8:30 am.

It got above 116º today at my house.
The temperature out where I wanted to hike is 117º right now. It’s 6:30pm.  :P

The low tonight is 86º. Tomorrow’s high is 120º.  :-X
I yield! I surrender! I shall not affront the heat gods on the morrow, nor test their resolve.  >:(

“I got na’ powr’, Cap’m.”
Apparently I will not be hiking on Naked Hiking Day, again!  :'(



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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #47 on: June 20, 2017, 06:38:30 AM »
I'm holding off for a couple of days. I'm okay to accept a time warp and stretch it to a better part of the week. It will be just too constrained for the overnight. I'll save an hours driving through town, the gas. I'll have more time and no need to hurry back before the heat dies off in the evening. We'll get an earlier start on the day, by sleeping on the mountain. I have much work to do in this air-conditioned house, and there will not be a 30% chance of thunder storms up there on the top of that mountain. If I'm making the effort to go that far, I might as well make the best of it, two days later.

Man, it is hot here, too! When it hits 115F (Phoenix 120F) those busy intersections are well into the  130F's and it spills over. We walked out into the air tonight after a meeting downtown and felt the heat stored in the asphalt and concrete, at 8:30 PM, with our CLOTHES ON.
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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2017, 04:45:04 PM »
The heat wave here is supposed to slack off by the weekend.

It'll cool off below 110º.



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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #49 on: June 20, 2017, 07:42:10 PM »
I had planned an overnight up Sbino Canyon to Hutchin's Pool, at about 3500 to 4000 feet, dipping in the ponding stream to stay cool. The forecast is 112F, stinkin' sweltering too hot...NO WAY! Doing a Solistice thing at the henge cuts back on a mountain trip and DF has to work.

The low will be around 82F give or take in the upper elevation of the Tortolitas. The moon shall be coming up with the sunset, so it should be adequately high by midnight to light up the whole mountain range close to like daylight. SO, we may get up into the hills and be hiking into the new day as it occurs on the clock. 80F's is a nice walk in the evening, nude. The view is awesome.

It never got this hot until 1989. The weather has changed dramatically.

Wish us luck,

Our ANANEC club Solstice Hike is to be tomorrow in the refreshing Green Mountain range in central Vermont.     Ten miles without a net on the Long Trail.      Weather predicted to hit mid 70s with chance of afternoon thunder shower.     We'll be thinking of you guys out in the desert tomorrow.       

Moonlight hikes in the 80s sound just charming JBee and Duane.      I do just about all of my local nude hiking and trail running in the Blue Hills reservation under the light of the moon, for me, a way to dodge textiles.     Even crossing a six lane highway on a foot bridge during my runs.    A magical time of the day out this way as well.     The Blue Hills Reservation is the south shore equivalent of the Middlesex Fells just north of Boston that John has written about here.    It is just under a two mile trail run from my back steps to the delightful nude swimming hole called Ponkapog Pond near the base of Great Blue Hill.     So run-swim-run has become one of my favored workout options.     Of course if I do it early morning or during the day, I have to wear one of my skirts but can often slip into the water skinny if no one is looking.

In any case, good luck on your nocturnal Solstice hikes tonight JBee and Duane.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2017, 07:43:43 PM by freewalkerma »


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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2017, 03:19:12 AM »
It got up to 119º today, with only 4% humidity.

You would think it is the Dog Days.
That’s not supposed to happen for another month or so.

Yeah, but it’s a dry heat. :P



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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #51 on: June 21, 2017, 08:20:28 AM »
I was pleasantly surprised this morning with cloud cover, which kept things cooler. Out of bed early, I got some needed outdoors chores and gardening done that I wouldn't have in the predicted heat. They broke up around 10:00am to make for an oppressive thicker air. Then in the afternoon, came a ripping, blow your trashcan over, a few tiny sprinkles, wind happened. I looked up to the mountains and was glad that I have delayed my adventure up there. Saw Pirates of the Carribean and had dinner with son as a B-day, Dad's Day thing, which was even better than sitting in crappy weather on top of the mountain.

Thursday and Friday on top of the mountain, high in the mid-eighties F and mid to high 60F's low before sunrise, with some scattered clouds to shade, should be wonderful, with the nice warm swimmin' holes and pleasant creek. Report to come.

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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #52 on: June 23, 2017, 08:15:09 PM »
Here is a post on a hiking website written about hiking naked titled, “Naked Hiking” (go figure). Yet again an article about naked hiking by someone who, it doesn’t appear, has ever hiked naked.

She begins by stating that she is not going to puns or jokes about ‘nekkid people’ but there is an undercurrent of inconvenience there. Though for someone that is interested in all things hiking, she says she was surprised to find out that people all over the world hike naked.

She loves to go hiking and “bashing about in the woods”, yet prefers
. . . multiple layers of clothing between me and the vegetation and trail and the insects and the rays of sun and.... you get the idea.
, you know, NATURE!

She also states:
As for why anyone wants to hike nude, don't ask me! I'm squarely in the camp of the clothed hikers.
But, toward the end she does impart some practical advice from a traditional hiking perspective regarding noxious plants, noxious people and being aware of local jurisdictions.

She includes several links to websites about nude hiking, yet these:
Code: [Select]
are no longer functioning, so the article is likely a few years old. I couldn’t spot a date so I’m not sure when it was written.

It looks like one of our own, kensunwalker, is linked in the article to his website, under a previous incarnation, as kenfreehiker (at least I think that's him) regarding a post from a member on his site about naked hiking and the AT.

She isn’t anti-naked hiking but she doesn’t sound very supportive either. The tone comes across as, “if you must hike naked, do this, this and this.”

The prevailing attitude comes through when she says:
Remember, the norm on a hiking trail is clothing. YOU are the one bucking the norm.

Articles about naked hiking by naked hikers would do a much better job of letting others know about the benefits.
I just wish more of these types of reports didn’t sound so put off.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2017, 01:26:55 AM by eyesup »


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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #53 on: June 24, 2017, 05:46:24 AM »
Did my naked hiking on top of the Catalina Mountains. I delayed until Thursday and Friday for many reasons.With DF in Puerto Rico, I found one of our friends with the time and inclination to escape the extreme heat and poison ozone air warnings in Tucson. We have been getting all time high record beater days the last few years here. Beating the last century of record keeping by up to 10 degrees F.

Drove up Wednesday night after my circle in town. We fell asleep in the back of the truck. In the morning I was naked with the intent to do a new policy in the more remote areas of no backup and not covering up. It is a new experiment to see if I can unlearn knee jerk responses, new natural attitudes and be more aware of my own responses to people in textiles. I'll discuss this further, later, probably in a trip report.

Went into the Wilderness of rocks looking for water in an extreme drought. Spent the night in bivy bags and stayed naked for another day. I did wrap a sarong a round my waist a couple of times in the cluttered with people area 1.2 miles of Marshall gulch. Most of that time it was tucked up into my backpack belt. Then, after that trail, I just put the sarong on my shoulders to cushion back straps and avoid tanlines on my shoulders. I put on a T-shirt and long thermals to sleep in. It got chilly right before the sun arose. I didn't take a sleeping bag to be Super Ultra Light, just clothing and a bivy instead. Sleeping is the only time that I managed to wear covering.

A good WNHD, even late to make the most of it.
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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #54 on: June 24, 2017, 02:46:15 PM »
Yes, I once used the handle kenfreehiker.

Peter S

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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #55 on: June 24, 2017, 10:12:56 PM »
Yes, I once used the handle kenfreehiker.

Hey, I used to enjoy your blog, missed it when you stopped. Glad you're still active!
Motorcycling, history, country hiking,
naked living


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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #56 on: June 25, 2017, 01:51:18 PM »
I had to changed my blog, but a version still exists at  I post something most days.



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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #57 on: June 25, 2017, 02:19:03 PM »
International Hike Naked Day

I was busy on International Hike Naked Day (6/21/2017), so had to be satisfied with hiking the Nature & Meditation Trail on my land.  I spent several hours walking naked (as I do most days – I need it).  In addition to signs for the types of vegetation and major religions, as a naturist I have included many signs with nature- related quotes.  Here are a few:

“Over the years, people have lost most of their connection with nature.  One would be surprised how many children only know forests or natural lakes from TV, they’ve never seen it with their own eyes.  We need to get back to nature, we need to remember the smell of nature, we need to feel nature, we need to see nature.  Instead of watching that soap opera every day, we should make it a habit to spend at least a little bit of time every day in a green environment.  To touch nature, with our hands, our feet, our whole body.  We need to learn to love nature again.” - Travelblog

“Nature should be a fundamental part of democracy; it’s a human right and a necessity.” – Florence Williams

“I simply allow myself to be in and with nature.  There I am connected even as I am shattered.  I have peace even with the madness within.  And even as I feel lost, here I am home.” - Hontouniheart

“In every walk with nature, one receives more than he seeks.” - John Muir

“I'd forgotten I once noticed the seasons, the calling of birds, the smell of sap on the air.  Finding that person again has been one of the most intense and comforting experiences of my life.” - Julie Myerson

“I go out in nature to recharge my batteries, to renew my soul, and to scrub off the layers of crud that living in civilization puts on me.” - Al

“The important thing is to experience the moment, the right now as it is.  Just be aware of the breathing, the air, the sun, the movement, no judgment, just the gift.  Then the mind is just there.  It is getting in the way most of the time.” - Jbee Goode

“Mother Nature is naked in all her glory.  Man covers her up with concrete and destroys her natural beauty.  We seek the places where she is the most untouched for there she is the most beautiful.”

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.” – Vincent Van Gogh

“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” - Albert Einstein

Everyone is welcome to visit our natural trail in Dewey, AZ.



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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #58 on: June 26, 2017, 09:45:28 PM »
Quote from: Jbee
I delayed until Thursday and Friday for many reasons.
It will be cool enough by Thursday, I may try something early morning.
A week late!



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Re: Naked Hiking Day
« Reply #59 on: June 26, 2017, 11:47:02 PM »
That's the spirit of it all. The weather doesn't always cooperate, but we persevere. Ask a Brit.

I got a post about NUde NAked Hiking Day on Facebook. I declared that I had hiked it two days late, naked. I got several likes and the guy that we knew, that we bumped into on the trail, agreed that it had been his nude hike day, as well.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2017, 06:22:01 PM by jbeegoode »
Barefoot all over, all over.