I don't want to comment on American gun laws because I know these things are viewed very differently each side of the pond. But I have to say that if someone's got a gun and is prepared to use it then they're far more likely to shoot someone or get shot in retaliation than if neither side had a gun in the first place.
Yes and no. There is the obvious, as you state, but out here in the wild west, things have proven to be different. When two people have guns, or one doesn’t know if the other is carrying one for protection, there is a greater civility, no aggressive behavior, like say road rage, unless one of them is totally drunk, mentally ill and/or totally stupid.
As the bumper sticker says, ”Smith and Wesson the great equalizer.” If my person is about to get damaged by a large younger aggressive person, I’ll be happy to protect myself and others. When there is no one to protect me, which is nearly always, and as perpetrators make a point not to break laws in front of cops, or mostly others. I have a right not to walk in fear. I definitely don’t want to get beaten and/or robbed and then see justice done to the a-hole that did it to me, which is rarely the result. That is NOT my first choice. In Arizona, we can carry a weapon unconcealed. We have to be licensed and trained to carry it in concealment, which makes it so it doesn’t make others uncomfortable.
I’m still trying to wrap my mind around Bobbies being unarmed. I don’t mind a cop carrying a holstered gun, as long as the cop doesn’t mind me having mine, but cops don’t like mutual respect. Everyone should be required to complete weapons training. Everyone needs to know exactly how destructive, how dangerous, the potential for use, how to avoid use, and what is proper safety. We need to see this to take away the romanticism, the bravado, and instill practical healthy fear and respect for weapons. Probably a high school requirement.
Every creep needs to know that anyone could be with a gun and a camera.
That being said, in my perfect world, where would I put my gun? I would be at a disadvantage. Think of the tanline that a belt with pistol would make, or worse, a shoulder holster! Maybe a small ankle strap? Guns are like clothing.
Nearly always people are okay to be around. If I walk around naked and unarmed, am I asking for trouble? That's like telling a raped woman that she was asking for it.