Incidentally, this is July 8th, 2015. Today, The Secret Naturist Society would have been 15 years old.
No more birthdays, but somehow here, the society is still alive. We ARE The Secret Naturist Society.
...its a strange name and we really don't need it any longer. This forum is just as good, perhaps better.
Couldn't agree more, Bob.
I have to say, I'm settling down too! Although we seem to be populated mostly by 'the old crowd' (and thankfully so!), our volume of input & output seems to have soared! It's great but I'm having trouble keeping up. One needs to be here daily! I'm just not getting the time at the moment (I'm doing a couple of small consulting projects, voluntary activity and trying to move house!).
Anyway, apart from the lack of pictures I'm enjoying the new invigorated chat and also reviving the some of the same old chestnuts
Have we revived "How Was Your Month for SN" yet? If not, Ian, start us up again with July's stats, please. HWYMFSN ran to 50+ pages and was a pillar of the old place. I've had a corking month with loads of skyclad time, some in the presence of the wifey, no less, with her moaning throughout but nevertheless being there!
Technical q: Karla / Stuart is there some way of getting your 'unread posts since last visit' list to put the most recent post on the top? This topic's up to 8 pages already with about 2 pages added since I last looked a couple of days ago. finding where you left off last time is hard! So can post threads be ordered latest ---> oldest rather than the other way round?