Another example. Lady that we encountered in the forest a couple of weeks ago. She thought that we were doing toiletries on the side of the trail. She didn't want to disturb us in a private moment. Actually we were just stepping behind something to drape a covering. This woman assumed, as was her perspective based on her experience. I simply explained that it was all okay, we were hiking naked and decided to cover up for you (more on this in a later trip report).
She told us of a trip in the Gila Box wilderness. She had been hiking days, seen no one, she was miles from nowhere, and thought, "what the heck I'll drop my pants and take a dump right here." She did and a church group, then came over the knoll, as she busied herself.
I've heard similar stories here before. The phenomena isn't a continuous dependable association. It is occasional, but the timing is incredibly in sinc. Something seems to trigger it. The odds and frequency of such are too wild to not take note.
When dreams are recorded daily, the syncronistic phenomena between recorded dream and the next day or week, especially symbolically, become more apparent and frequent. This has been shown over and over, yet is difficult to scientifically quantify. The unconscious is vast and wise and quite capable of attracting circumstance to suit its needs, such as manifesting lessons based on inner turmoil (making the night's dreams come true), for example.
Peer review has its place to keep us on track and reality check, but it also, can keep us locked into an ignorant framework. It perpetuates the current intellectual perspectives that is more often an intellectual fad. It blocks our potential, as we are feeling and intuitive beings, more than our reflective imaginations have let us realize. Our inner stuff attracts outer stuff against all odds. Our fears, shadows, tend to be inescapable.
Most likely, Bob will try try again, until the time is right and succeed, or maybe have consequence that he doesn't like. But, how he stepped into a place of the worst scenario during the first attempt IS phenomenal.
Practically speaking advice from the dark side. I once had an old friend tell me that if you watch a convenience store, all of the customers come at once and then it is quiet. It is in waves. Some waves are more predicable, like a lunch rush. People tend to arrive in a wave and assume that it is busy all of the time. What that guy was doing watching a Circle K like that I shudder to think, but Bob and you dare people, could use the tried and true method of the common bank robbers. Watch and wait until the wave dissipates and then make the move...and of course, case the joint first. Blend in when watching, not to create suspicion. You can't look like you are up to something, by doing things like looking around. Thieves don't wear unusual hats or drive flashy mustangs. Perhaps you could be looking for a map, or like you are waiting for something else across the street. Think private eye spying. I once had a pair of bank robbers in a therapy group that I was running. Their strategy was to get in and out quickly, not dawdle, little confrontation, get away, avoid cameras, mostly.
Smugglers do trial runs. Good ones, reduce the odds as far as possible, into the 90 percentile towards 100% fool proof, and only then throw their balls over their shoulders, praying as they are going for it. Or abandon the project for another crossing, if the chances are too great. Older people receive less suspicion and more respect, by the way.
Smugglers also calculate the risks. One must be prepared to accept the potential of the risk, the possible consequence. Is it worth it? Yea, forty years ago, I was a young flamboyant professional border rat and I probably wouldn't have done such a thing for kicks even then. The dare pay out isn't worth the potential negative consequence, to me. It can be fun to plan such naughty madness, however. Personally, I'd rather be planning how I'm going to live my daily life free of encumbrances and expanding my range of freedom, through observance and creative stealth. Perhaps you have assessed your risks in your situation differently. I'd still, in your boots, ratchet up the odds into my favor significantly, as if my life depended on it (attitude does make a dare seem more daring) and execute it as such.
If I want others to see other humans, to know that there are other naked humans, that it is okay, I'll be careful and tactful, so that they don't see it in their own prejudged perspectives. Otherwise, I'm just reinforcing their bad attitudes. I also know that others seeing others doesn't necessitate seeing genitals. All they need to see is that the other is naked, positive and minding their own normal business. It is better to associate nudity with wholesome fun, like hiking, swimming, boating, dancing and such. It is better to be seen with a group of two or more. People are more accepting of group behavior. The peer influence thing of conformity enters into it. Just seeing other people naked doesn't always move the cause forward. I think that consideration of the others perspective, fears, shock and subsequent knee jerk response, are important. Nudity needs to be massaged in slowly, when they are lying down and relaxed, best by someone that they trust.
Just my thoughts,