Whaoh! another month ended!
After being on the road for a month, DF and I haven't been out hiking. We did do four days at the hot springs, which was wonderful. We're really enjoying the company of our regular group there, getting to know them better. There is a spiritual component that we all share. DF taught a couple of Chi Gong classes, we did a Hindu breathing and sound group and it all brought a cohesiveness to our connections. We discovered a connection with two others from Phoenix from another spiritual interest. It s certainly added to just being naked in hot springs paradise. It isn't a place to be nude, but to be free and spiritual. The naked part (all the time, weather permitting) is incidental, an option everyone is comfortable with, as it ought to be.
The weather has finally cooled down, so we changed the hours on the sweat to daytime. There has been construction going on with that.
So, that has been it, other than remaining naked nearly all the time anyway, in the gorgeous weather.
We went to a costume party with a Beatles theme (Hostess turned "64"), but decided against going as "Two Virgins" as it was cold and felt like a cheap way to get out of a costume theme. It was mostly a bunch of oldish looking hippies in the end. Beatles are fun, but what are the odds that a friend of mine and I were at the same concert in Paris, March 10th, 1965?!
November will be busy getting this house put together and DF left this morning to Georgia for two weeks, to help out with her mom's care. So, we may not have a very freeranging month, but for a short hike, or two in November. We'll see. It will be warm next week.