These aren't playboy material. They are not fashion model material. They are healthy and active bodies. They are confident enough to be displayed as they are. That's all good.
Now, some other bodies healthy and active would also be good, for balance and inclusiveness.
I like the two messages together. These gals aren't sculpted. They don't look that much different than many other women and even some of my older women friends, who take care of themselves generally. Better this than dressed up and painted into something completely artificial. The do have makeup and dyed hair.
I see it as a step in the right direction, but how DO we get older men and women who are healthy out there? And how do we get those less healthy out there? Getting less healthy is only half of the message. It is good nudity and body acceptance, but the message is unhealthy is good and normal, too. Well, we are as we are. How do we get those with the proud battle wounds of womanhood out there with their stretch marks and saggies?
Even on the internet, there are normal people sending in pics of themselves and mostly women, but they are all trying to look sexy, not just nude. At this point, we can't have it all, but at least being seen naked is getting to be a more acceptable norm, even when censored with arms and legs in a sports mag.